good morning,
hello everyone. i hope everyone had a good week. the weather here has been really crazy for this time of year. it has been in the 70's which is way warm for here in Michigan and this time of year. and it has been in the 60% humid as well and i don't do humid that much. this past weekend from Friday tell yesterday we walked a total of 20 miles and riding the bus for 4 hours which is crazy. so my legs right now is pretty tried but we are still walking tell we get a car on Wednesday after are district meeting and we are going up to greenville for it and i am going to be going on trade offs with are district leader he is coming down here to grand Vally(grand rapids) with me. and we already have a full day that day as well which is good. ya you can keep sending the news paper stuff it is keeping me updated on the things from back home and whats going on in rexburg. we are going to have fast Sunday this coming Sunday cause of general conference and then Easter. i know this ward is going to have a Easter program. and then the week after that we are going to have stake conference here in grand rapids.
well on Saturday we had an appointment up in the plain field area of grand rapids and we had to ride a bus their and it was at 1pm and from the last bus stop it is another mile and a half. but we had to go and catch a bus by are apartment to ride it down to central station and then from their get on another bus to go to the last bus stop on that route and then walk another mile and a half and that took us from 10:15 when we left are apartment tell 1pm to get their and and grap something to eat. and get this the appointment that we had was with a in active in are ward and when we got their someone was walking out of the house and they saw us and ran back in their house. well we knock on the door and they didn't answer go figure so we had to walk another mile and a half to go and catch the bus again to go to another appointment and that one we didn't make it to cause the bus was late getting back to central station so we had to call to set up another time to come by so then we had to wait their at central station to get back on the bus to go back to where we was for another appointment and that person was not home ether and it was in the same area where are first appointment was at. but as we was walking their some members saw us from another ward and picked us up and took us their and they waited and then took us back to the bus stop. they was going to a store to get a few things but then but the store was closed when they got their and when they drove by the bus stop they pulled over and gave us a ride to where we needed to go again. and that was good of them to do that.
well we had training this past Thursday and it was really good. their was 70 missionaries here in grand rapids at the stake center. so half of the mission was their which was crazy. and it was good to get training and to see other missionaries and talk to them. and are ward the grand vally ward is putting a thing together called "Introduction to Mormonishm" and this is where we are going to talk about what we believe for are church and have everyone come to it at are church house and learn more about are church and what we believe. we are going to have 2 different sessions and 2 different days the first day is may 17th which is a Thursday and then the 2nd session is going to be the 31st on may. the first session their is going to be a member going to teach and then the 2nd session we as missionaries are going to teach it.
right now with the investigators that we are teaching. some of them are not reading the book of Mormon and so when they don't read we don't go on with the lessons tell they know why they need to read it. so the next time we go over their we talk about the book of Mormon and why it is so important to read. and we have no one yet that has a baptism date. the referral that we got from the Kalamazoo elders, we had an appointment on Saturday the son was home but not the mom so we are going to call and set up another time to come over and share more. well George is still George. lately he has not been coming to church he has always been coming up with an excused saying that 9am is to early to come to church. Elmur is doing good. he took a fall last week and then he got sick as well on top of that. so he has not been doing so good and his wife sister Ybema told Elmur that he cant drive for a week and when he told us that over the phone he was laughing about it and then we was as well. i have not heard about kimberly's daughter. that is good that elder Pace and elder Moore was able to come and help load some wood and that they got some green frosting to bad none of them was new missionaries know that would have been more funnier(new missionary [greenie] and st Patrick's day). did you show the elders pics of me when they was their? where do they live at their in rexburg? well that's all for now. love ya and hope to hear from everyone really soon.
love elder Webster
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